
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Reblochon A Great French Cheese From The Savoie Region

Reblochon (reh-blo-shaw) is produced in the Haute Savoie region of France. The Haute Savoie is a region nestled in the mountains near the Swiss border and has abundant lush valleys where the dairy cattle graze. Reblochon has received its Appellation D'Origine Controlle (AOC) so you can be sure that its producers maintain its strict methods of production. Most cheese making in the Savoie stops between November and February due to the lack of fresh grass and flowers for grazing, during this time the cows are fed silage which tends to not produce high quality milk.

Details: Reblochon is a pressed, cooked curd cow's milk cheese. It is available in both pasteurized and unpasteurized versions in the United States The unpasteurized version is allowed in the US provided it is aged at least 61 days before being imported into the country. After being pressed into 1 pound disks the new cheeses are washed in brine to aid in creating the rind. A thin rind is produced which is considered edible but many find it unappealing due to its velvety texture and appearance. Be aware this is definitely a stinky cheese but it is not overpowering like French Muenster or Epoisses.
The interior paste will have a bone color and a soft consistency like Brie. Reblochon will have a flavor that is sweet and an undertone of hazelnuts accompanied by a barnyard like aroma.

The Reblochon disks are packaged between two very thin wooden disks and then wrapped in thin paper. There are some coming packaged between thin waxed cardboard disks however this does not affect the quality or flavor of the cheese.

6 in 1- 6 Quart Slow Cooker  From Amazon

Shopping for Reblochon:  look for ones that are printed with Haute Savoie on the paper wrapping. Some will also have the name of of the town or area where they were produced and the words au lait cru on the wrapping.  Some retailers sell half cuts, be sure to look for smooth rinds and white inner paste. Do not purchase any that look slimy, dried out or have a gray tinge to them. Also, the aroma should smell like a barnyard but not rank. Avoid any that are sitting in the cheese case wrapped in plastic. Reblochon can be found in most really good good local cheese shops, Wegmans and some Whole Foods Markets. It is worth the time spent looking for this great cheese.

16oz Ninja Electric Food Chopper from Amazon

Serving Reblochon: This cheese goes well with crusty breads and dry French salami or thinly sliced French ham or with fresh fruit as a snack. Wrap any leftovers in wax paper, place in the refrigerator and try to finish them  within a day or two.

Wine paring: Fruity whites and young reds from the Savoie region. If you are uncertain about this ask your wine merchant for assistance in finding the appropriate wine.

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