
Showing posts with label huntsman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label huntsman. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

English Double Gloucester Cheese Revisiting A Old Friend

a full wheel of Double Gloucester Cheese with it paper label
Double Gloucester is a mild cheddar-like English farmhouse cheese that has been produced since the 16th century. It is made from the morning and evening milkings then the whole milk and cream from these two milkings are poured and mixed together, rennet is then added to create the curd. The curd is lightly cooked, drained and then pressed in molds to remove any excess water and whey, the resulting cheeses are set to age for about six months. There are two versions of Double Gloucester, one is white and the other light orange, the orange color comes from the addition of annatto during the mixing stage. A hard natural rind is formed that can look unsightly but it is often covered by a cloth outer layer to help keep it dry. Farmhouse made Double Gloucester almost always comes cloth bound and is usually more expensive than the plain rind cheeses made by large dairies.This cheese is also used in the production of English Huntsman cheese.

 Tasting: The flavor of Double Gloucester depends on its age therefore the older it is the more flavor it will have. The inner paste is dense and hard but not overly dry. The outer rind, which is inedible, may have spots of mold on it but this is normal and should not be looked at as a cheese gone bad. It has a buttery rich taste with hints of citrus and onion, as it ages it with have a sharper flavor and a decidedly nutty finish. This cheese should be stored in a zip lock bag in the vegetable bin of the refrigerator, this way it should last about 2 - 3 weeks, any mold that might form on it can simply be scraped away.

English Cheese Sampler  at Amazon

When buying Double Gloucester avoid any that look overly dry or cracked.

Serve Double Gloucester as a snack with fruit and crackers, try grating into salads or over baked potatoes and pasta, it also makes great grilled cheese sandwiches and paninis.

Wine Pairing: Try it with a good Rioja or Reisling, it also goes well with hearty beers and ales